How ExpressTruckTax helps Tax Professionals file 2290?
Last modified 6/7/2023 8:29:57 AM EST |
Added by ExpressTruckTax Team
Applicable To
Form 2290
Form 8849
In ExpressTruckTax, Tax Professionals have multiple options to start the e-filing of Form 2290 for their clients that will save them time, depending on whether they are new users or returning users.
New users have these options:
- Bulk upload business information of their clients at once.
- Bulk upload vehicle information for a business at once.
- If there are no Credit vehicles to report for the business, use the Express Filing option that presents the vehicle details and payment options to be entered on a single page.
- If Credit vehicles are to report, use the Multiple Vehicles under Start New Return to report any vehicle, namely, Taxable, Suspended, Credit, or Prior Year Suspended. Also, Credits, if any, can be deducted from the Total Tax.
Returning users having IRS-accepted returns for a business in their prior filings can easily copy vehicle details from these returns in a few simple steps and file 2290.
Other features available for all users:
- Form 2848 (Power of Attorney).
- E-Sign of Form 8453-EX by a taxpayer for authorization. Alternatively, a manual upload of the signed 8453-EX is available.