How much does it cost to file my 2290 with ExpressTruckTax?
4.6k views | Last modified 5/16/2022 8:22:31 AM EST

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

With ExpressTruckTax, you can file your Form 2290 for a single vehicle at just $14.90 for a return. This pricing is for each return and not for monthly or yearly subscriptions. The pricing range for multiple vehicles is as follows:

  • 2 vehicles - $25.90
  • 3 to 24 vehicles - $44.90
  • 25 to 100 vehicles - $89.90
  • 101 to 500 vehicles - $149.90
  • More than 500 vehicles - $229.90

We also deliver a physical copy of your stamped Schedule 1 through the mail for just $4.99 ($1.49 for each additional copy). You can purchase prepaid credits to pay for your returns at a discount of at least 10%. Click here to buy credits and save them in your ExpressTruckTax wallet. These credits do not expire.

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