When is my 2290 payment due?
Last modified 5/11/2022 3:12:54 AM EST
Your Form 2290 HVUT payment will be due on the same day as your Form 2290 return filing deadline.
The deadline to file your Form 2290 and pay your HVUT is the last day of the month following the First Used Month (FUM) of your vehicle during the tax period. The current tax period begins on July 1, 2022, and ends on June 30, 2023. If you operate your truck on the public highway in September 2022, you must file your Form 2290 and pay your HVUT within October 31, 2022.
Typically truckers put their vehicle on the road during the start of the tax year (July), so the Form 2290 payment will be due on August 31, 2022, for most truckers.
Click here to know the Form 2290 due dates for each First Used Month (FUM).
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