How ExpressTruckTax helps Multi-Vehicle filers file 2290?
1.6k views | Last modified 6/7/2023 8:40:42 AM EST | Added by ExpressTruckTax Team

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

In ExpressTruckTax, Multi-Vehicle filers have different options to start the e-filing of Form 2290 that will save them time, depending on whether they are a new user or returning users.  

New users have these options:

  •  If there are no Credit vehicles to report, use the Express Filing option that presents the vehicle details and payment options to be entered on a single page. 
  •  Use the Multiple Vehicles under Start New Return to report any type of vehicle: Taxable, Suspended, Credit, Prior Year Suspended. Also, Credits, if any, can be deducted from the Total Tax.

 Returning users having IRS-accepted returns in their prior filings can easily copy vehicle details from these returns in a few simple steps and file 2290.

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