Do I amend the return that was already filed to add a new truck?
2.6k views | Last modified 6/7/2023 7:58:59 AM EST | Added by ExpressTruckTax Team

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

If you have filed your Form 2290 and the IRS has accepted the return, you cannot add new vehicles to this return. 

If you want to file for a new vehicle, you must file a new Form 2290 return with the appropriate tax year and First Used Month. The IRS allows the users to amend the return only for the following:

1. VIN Correction - To make any changes to the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of your vehicle.
2. Taxable Gross Weight Increase - If the taxable gross weight of the vehicle increases within the tax year.
3. Mileage Limit Exceeded - If your suspended vehicle crosses the 5000-mile limit. (7500 for Agricultural Vehicles).

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