Do I need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) number to file Form 2290?
Last modified 5/10/2022 4:24:35 AM EST
Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a must for every taxpayer to file their Form 2290 return. The EIN is a nine-digit sequence issued by the IRS to every business owner. It is used by the IRS to keep track of business tax records.
Make sure to use only your EIN to file your Form 2290 return and not your Social Security Number (SSN).
If you do not have an EIN, click here to apply online, or contact 1-800-829-4933. Once the process is completed, the information you provided will be validated by the IRS, and your Employer Identification Number (EIN) will be issued.
If you do not have time to deal with the IRS directly, our sister product, TSNAmerica, can get an EIN for you! Call them at (803)386-0320. Please keep in mind that it may take up to ten business days for a new EIN to become active in the IRS E-file system.
Make sure you enter the correct EIN while e-filing your return, as the IRS might reject your return if the EIN and business name you provide doesn't match with the IRS records.
About Form 2290:
Form 2290 is an IRS tax return filed by owners/drivers of heavy vehicles that are operated on public highways to calculate and pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) every year. The IRS suggests its filers e-file their Form 2290 returns.
ExpressTruckTax is the #1 IRS-authorized e-file provider, so file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax easily and quickly. You will receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes if you e-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.
If you have any questions regarding your heavy highway use tax or the Form 2290 filing process ExpressTruckTax is available with 100% US-based support by phone, email, and live chat. We also offer bilingual support in both English and Spanish.