What is Form 2290-V?
1.9k views | Last modified 5/11/2022 3:30:25 AM EST

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

If you file Form 2290 and choose Check or Money Order as your payment option, you must send in your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) through check directly to the IRS. Form 2290-V is a payment voucher that must be sent along with your check or money order as you send your HVUT amount to the IRS.

Once you transmit your Form 2290 with Check or Money order as your payment method, your 2290-V payment voucher will be available.

You must make your check payable to the "United States Department of Treasury" and send it along with the payment voucher Form 2290-V to the following address.
Internal Revenue Service,
P.O. Box 932500,
Louisville, KY 40293-2500.

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