What do I do if I do not have a Form 2848?
Last modified 6/8/2023 4:50:59 AM EST
It is not mandatory for a tax preparer to file Form 2848 power of attorney filed with a business. If you haven't filed Form 2848 for your client, you can file your tax returns using Form 8453-EX.
If you file Form 2848 for a client, you will have a power of attorney to file returns on behalf of your client any number of times before your Form 2848 expires. If you do not have Form 2848 for a client, you must complete Form 8453-EX with that client every time you file a return for them.
With ExpressTruckTax, you can send your Form 8453-EX to your client to get it e-signed and file Form 2290 on their behalf.
Make sure to choose "No" as your Power of Attorney while entering business details if you haven't filed Form 2848 with that business.