What is a privately purchased vehicle?
2.4k views | Last modified 6/8/2023 1:37:07 AM EST | Added by ExpressTruckTax Team

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

A privately purchased vehicle is a vehicle that is purchased from a private seller.

Vehicles that are purchased from a dealership, an auto auction, or that are leased from a carrier/through a leasing company are not considered privately owned vehicles.

If you purchase a vehicle from a seller who has already paid the HVUT of the vehicle for the tax year, and your first use is in the month of sale, your total HVUT for the tax period doesn’t include the tax for the month of sale.

Even though you do not have to pay the HVUT for the month of the sale, the filing deadline will remain the same for the privately purchased vehicles.

For example, if you buy a truck in July 2022 and use it in the same month, your total HVUT will not include the tax for March. However, the deadline to file your Form 2290 return will be August 31, 2022.

ExpressTruckTax makes your filing easier as your tax amount will be calculated accordingly based on your First Used Month (FUM) if you are filing for a privately purchased vehicle.

If you have any questions regarding your heavy vehicle or the tax filing process, do not hesitate to contact our 100% US-based support team by phone, email, or live chat.

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