How do I claim my low mileage credits?
2.5k views | Last modified 6/7/2023 9:03:21 AM EST | Added by ExpressTruckTax Team

Applicable To
Form 2290 Form 8849 Amendments

If you had reported your vehicle as a taxable vehicle and paid the required HVUT while filing your Form 2290, and the vehicle doesn't exceed the 5000-mile limit (7500 for agricultural vehicles), you can get a refund of the HVUT paid as low-mileage credit.

You can either claim the low mileage credits by filing your Form 8849 or use those credits to pay your HVUT while filing your Form 2290 for the next taxable year.

You cannot claim the low mileage credits using Form 2290 if you aren't filing for a taxable vehicle for the current tax year.

If the low mileage credit that is to be claimed is more than the HVUT, you have to file Form 8849 for a refund of the excessive credit amount. ExpressTruckTax will automatically generate your Form 8849 with the adjusted credit amount, in that case, making it easier for you.

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